Are Acos response at an affordable price, Quality of Health and Health Insurance System

Are Acos response at an affordable price, Quality of Health and Health Insurance System Do you remember the Affordable Care Act of 2010? Congress is the only titles: Quality, Affordable Health Care for all Americans. What about the part that will be the responsibility of every American - requirement - to maintain (and report on) the minimum insurance cover essential health? Ah, now I remember. This is the most important question in which we are awaiting the Supreme Court for its decision. Passing this law would mean that millions of uninsured Americans would have their health insurance coverage subsidized by the federal government. The question is not whether or not it is a good idea. The real question is whether the Supreme Court orders coverage health insurance is constitutional reality. Whatever happens will most likely become a double-edged sword, and there is no easy answer. There is good news though. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina has begun to 1) pay doctors bonuses if they improve efficiency, 2) encourage patients to shop around for treatment, and 3) paying doctors to install computerized records. I think this is good, and no matter what happens in the Supreme Court, we will not return to the ridiculous situation of healthcare and insurance 2009. Rising health insurance costs associated with our aging population and disease, will ensure continued efforts to expand coverage, reduce costs, reduce waste and improve health. We need to find more and better ways to address these issues. I'm glad to see Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina taking a proactive approach to work on a solution. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is creating (ie funding) with University Health System in North Carolina (UNCHCS) a private organization responsible care (ACO) in which a model of shared risk means that patients have easier and better access to doctors, medical records and test results. I'll write again about these alliances ACO provider. Will they deliver lower cost but still high quality health care through new payment models, particularly those that reward efficiency? is premature to say. But I can help you find the right and most affordable plan for you and your family. Let me help you make the right to obtain health insurance quotes and compare health insurance plans in North Carolina questions. I'm happy to help you find the right answers to your needs