Many of the street children in Nepal are seen living under the open sky

Children chased from home by violence, drugs abuse or alcohol, the death of a parent, family breakdown, war, natural disaster or simply socio economic collapse are forced to eke out a living on a streets, scavenging, begging, hawking in the slums and polluted cities of the developed world.

Many of the street children in Nepal are seen living under the open sky, begging whole day and spending their nights on the cold, hard ground of the foothpaths with half filled stomach or sometime even empty. Street children in Nepal are abused in child labour where they are seen employed as conductor, somewhere dish washer in hotels and restaurantS, rag pickers, newspaper sellers and so on.

In the deilneated video a street child is seen dancing in the middle of the street. Whole mass have crowded around him and the little boy excitedly is showing his performance. The boy is dancing and collecting money from people.

A man is seen singing for the boy playing Madal. The boy even knows how to thank people for providing money as he is seen bowing his head down and greeting Namaste while receiving the money. It might not be his will to live begging with people but he is helpless and it is the only source he could feed himself.
